I had once heard that you typically over-estimate what you can do in a year and under-estimate what you can do in 5 year (or a decade) and I now understand it better than ever. At the start of 2019, I allowed myself to set the expectations on a lot o fronts with the intent of growing 10X and not 10%. Suffice to say I has come back to bite me as there are less than 4 months left and I am still not even 1% through to keep up on those goals. So I decided to find a hack that I would be excited about, as well as get back on chasing the backlog. So here is the solution:
The 30 Day Challenges: I am become a huge fan of minimalism in the last few months and came across Matt D’vella who made a couple of videos on 30 day challenges. I thought to myself, maybe this is The Thing I need. So here are the key things I wanted to still get better at by the end of this year:
- Better Life
- Better health
- Becoming better at things that are stopping me right now
- Do one thing I loved doing a lot of but have cut down on
30 days of meditation: I recently started using Headspace which was installed on my phones for nearly 2 years now and meditating once a week has helped me in a lot of ways. I want to do it everyday for a streak of 30 days to help me make this a habit. I wanted to do this first of all of the challenges since this will possibly help me with the will power needed to do the rest + its the easiest out of the bunch.
30 days of no sugar : Anyone who knows me, knows I am on unofficial sprint for becoming the ambassador for Coke. Switching from Normal Coke to Diet Coke changed a lot of things for me, I now want to actively avoid all forms of sugar to help get over the addiction to sugar that I have somehow picked up. Possibly the hardest of the bunch, I still want to do this especially as I have seen the effect of not having sugar for a week. Hopefully this pays off in a lot of ways.
30 days of writing: I have wanted to do this for a long time now, but for some reason or the other I had excused myself from doing it. I truly think knowing how to Communicate and Write Well is the secret to a lot of things and it will help me in a lot of places. Along with finally completing reading: On Writing Well that I have somehow put off for as long as I can remember.
30 days of Long Walks: I used to walk 10-12 KMs a day only a couple of years back and now its hardly 1 KM. I want to go back as close as possible to those streaks, especially since long walks were a way for me to allow to think more effectively. Plus this will also help me in maintaining an active lifestyle which I have no handle over right now.
I plan on writing about the experiences of doing all of these so keep checking back for more updates
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