2019 is just a few days away and I ended up retrospecting my life, goals and the events that have got me through the year. Most of the guiding paths remain the same for me but i have realised writing them down somewhere is the best possible thing i can do so here they are:
Velocity over Speed : I love measuring impact and impact are akin to outcomes they tell about the direction and speed at the same time. Speed is akin to measuring outputs.
Simplify your life: The world has its own agenda and most conspire to get them done from you. As long you you stay firm on your own agenda moving ahead and doing anything that is remotely worthy is going to be really hard.
Get rid of all the baggage Every Year: One of the thing that has controlled my life as long as i can remember is my baggage. A voice inside my head finds me and leads me to insecurities and self doubts because of this baggage. Baggage come in various packages: some from my love life, some professional, most that are halfway between.
Understand and respect the 3 Circles: One of the most simple truths i learn’t the hard way is that managing your life is all about managing the people and their expectations in your life. One of the ways in which i do the same is by diving them into 3 circles : 1st Circle : Close Family + friends, ones that really matter no what and transcend all of the boundaries. 2nd Circle: Friends, the ones who always lookout for me. 3rd Circle: All of the folks that ultimately may no matter.
What will you do next?
Losing battles, no more:
I have always wanted to take my blogs seriously, and in the final leg of 2018 i finally found the footing for that.
Reading books has always been a deep passion for me and that is one of the reasons for what i am and where i am today. I had almost given up on it, and in the last few months i managed to get back to a doing it back again.
Taking care of my health has been if anything the least thing that i gave two f**cks about. I am back on track to walk an average of ~5 KMS/Day and meditate for ~20/Day.
Gaming : Sadly, I no longer play all of the latest titles within 2-3 months of their launch. Less time means less no of titles but I hope to play the ones that are probably worth it.
2018 thanks for everything, it was a year of many firsts and i went through mostly ups and a few downs. Here is to 2019!
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