The Best Mac Apps that I use everyday


An interesting conversation is around app discovery and is one I ended up having with some friends of mine post Mac OS Mojave’s release. With the new App Store re-do a lot of the questions I had was will it help with discoverability ? Okay we are getting way out of topic for now another day another blog post (promise!). But most of the apps I use today are because of Word Of Mouth referrals in one form or another: Be it a friends recommendation or someone tweeting about it or looking at someone using it and then installing it. So here are the best Mac Apps that I use everyday:

The mac apps i use everyday!Mac Apps I Use Everyday

Ulysses Ulysses is a simple markdown powered (note taking ?) writing App that I find myself using everyday. Anything that deserves a Longform or an essayishque writeup gets done on my Mac via Ulysses. I Love its UI a lot and also its exports are worthwhile. Do give it a try maybe ?

Numi Oh god, I once realised the stock calculator app was not upto mark and I spent some time looking into places and then somehow came across Numi. Boy does it stand out, I honestly find myself using Numi to solve complex and simple queries that my mind boggles me with. Numi is like an assistant more than a calculator and it blows my mind that calculators have not evolved since forever until maybe Numi came along ?

Rocket Love 🏄‍♀️😅s ? Rocket helps you to up your emoji game by several notches. The built in command on a Mac to paste Emoji (Control + Command + Spacebar) just feels cumbersome. Also get your GIFs just as easily ? Damn, I end up using Rocket more often than I can honestly admit.

OnePassword I used to rely on Chrome’s password manager a lot but once I moved out of just 1 device + 1 browser’s ecosystem I started to have a lot of trouble syncing my passwords everywhere. One Password was the choice for me since it costs just about right and also ends up giving me the option to use it across Windows Devices, Mac Devices and also Mobile Devices as well.

Dropbox Granted there are plenty of alternatives to Dropbox and also the Plans leave a lot to be desired but Dropbox is still a beast when it comes to syncing all of my files and storing them somewhere safe and securely. Also as an aside I do enjoy Dropbox Paper a lot which has kept me tied into this ecosystem off sorts 🙂 What do you use for all of your Syncing needs ?

Setapp Set app is like the Netflix for Mac apps and most of the apps I talked about are already a part of Setapp’s offerings or there are other alternatives that you can use. I find myself loving Setapp a lot primarily because they end up offering so many good apps for one small monthly price and also since it keeps on adding new apps as well. In the past 6 months I have been using Setapp I haven’t seen any app leave the platform but it is one of the inevitable things that probably can happen with a model like this.

I am curious to know what are the apps that you use on an everyday basis that make your whole life easier ?


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